Sunday, March 17, 2013

Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

It is that time of year again where the Christmas trees start coming out, crazy shoppers are rushing around, presents are bring wrapped, and Christmas just would not be Christmas without seeing a Poinsettia plant in the mall. This plant has become symbolic of Christmas and is even sometimes called the Christmas plant. It is known for it's bright red bracts and tiny yellow flowers. The red bracts are often mistaken as the flower but are actually a form of modified leafs to attract pollinators. It has been found that this ornamental plant and its sap are used in medicine. People take Poinsettia for fevers or to stimulate breast milk production. When the sap (latex) is applied directly to the skin it can remove hair, treat warts, and heal other skin disorders. This plant is not only responsible for spreading the holiday cheer but can also spread medical treatment.

This is a creative design of putting many poinsettia plants together to create a red Christmas tree.

Picture taken from:

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