Sunday, March 17, 2013

Desert Rose (Adenium obesum)

My Nanna's beloved desert rose that has grown strong and healthy over the past two years.

Besides the unmistakably beautiful flower that blossoms from this plant, it is also distinguished by it's large caudices that hold the plant's water supply. This ornamental plant is a type of succulent that is perfect for Hawai'i hot dry weather. It needs little maintenance as far as watering goes which is great. The Desert Rose has beautiful flowers that have hot pink tips and a pastel pink inner color. This is also a very expensive and prized ornamental plant to own.

Picture taken by me.

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectablis)

A perfect example of the vibrant and colorful bougainvillea decorating the wall of my neighbors house.
Walking down just about any block on the island of Oahu, I am sure you will see a Bougainvillea. They can be seen as a small bush, potted, planted in the ground, or growing wild and free. They are known for their paper like bracts that vary in a wide array of colors from the above pictured magenta color, to orange, pink, white, or burgundy. This a very popular choice for an ornamental plant because it adds a vivid pop of color to any garden. Also, this plant is perfect for growing in Hawai'i's warm weather and salty air.

Picture taken by me.

Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

It is that time of year again where the Christmas trees start coming out, crazy shoppers are rushing around, presents are bring wrapped, and Christmas just would not be Christmas without seeing a Poinsettia plant in the mall. This plant has become symbolic of Christmas and is even sometimes called the Christmas plant. It is known for it's bright red bracts and tiny yellow flowers. The red bracts are often mistaken as the flower but are actually a form of modified leafs to attract pollinators. It has been found that this ornamental plant and its sap are used in medicine. People take Poinsettia for fevers or to stimulate breast milk production. When the sap (latex) is applied directly to the skin it can remove hair, treat warts, and heal other skin disorders. This plant is not only responsible for spreading the holiday cheer but can also spread medical treatment.

This is a creative design of putting many poinsettia plants together to create a red Christmas tree.

Picture taken from:

Orchids (Cattleya)

It is very unlikely to come to Hawai'i and never see an orchid. Orchids especially from the genus Cattleya are extremely common as ornamental house plants. They are known to be housewarming gifts, ceremonial displays, and even bred for competition. The orchid business is booming in Hawai'i and the Cattleya genus is especially popular because they are known for their large, showy flowers that occur in all colors except true blue and black. A local favorite is to use orchids in various styles of lei making and wedding arrangements. As mentioned earlier, orchids are always entered into horticultural competitions for their vivid appearance and unique features. Orchids are also used in garnishing meals since they are edible and offer a nice touch to any plated dish. Lastly, orchids can also be used for medical purposes such as treating arthritis, earache, malaria, and snakebites.
A homegrown lavender colored Cattleya orchid right in my backyard.
 Picture taken with my own camera.

Wonder of the World (Kalanchoe pinnata)

This common ornamental plant commonly known as The Wonder of the World is small but packs a huge medicinal punch. It may also be known as the Air Plant, Life Plant or Miracle Leaf. Other than the fact that this plant is very easy to grow and can basically grow anywhere, it has many medicinal uses. It is most commonly known for easing muscle aches. You just have to heat the leafs and rub it on the pained area and the pain will disappear. The leaves can be added to hot water for a foot bathe to ease foot pain or brewed in tea to heal coughs, and the heated leaves can even placed on top of the eye to rid stye eyes. It is easy to spot small potted versions of this plant in many local garden stores or even grocery markets that sell small potted house plants. I have seen this plant everywhere in Hawai'i and never knew that it had so many medicinal uses.

A single flower could be as small as a fingernail.

Picture taken from: